In-Class Workshops Anasayfa » In-Class Workshops
In-Class Workshops Complement the Curriculum
Nutty Scientists® curriculum is aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to enhance the cohesiveness of our students’ science education. We understand the importance of having fluidity between what is learned in the classroom on a daily basis and what children experience through our engaging programs.
The workshops are organized based on student’s age starting from “Little Scientists” to “Scientific Experts.”

In-Class Workshop Objectives
1. Boost interest in science, environment, nutrition, astronomy and health prevention.
2. Strengthen students’ knowledge about the environment around them.
3. To show them how learning can be useful and fun.
4. Increase participation, communication, and integration within the classroom.
5. To improve the academic performance of the participating students.
What can you expect?
1. An environment where students are encouraged to participate, boosting their self-esteem.
2. Teaching methodology developed by scientists and supervised by teachers.
3. We encourage experimentation and participating in a very fun, engaging, and exciting setting.
4. An approach that gives the child a practical and authentic experience, which has been proven to enhance their learning and retention of important information.
• Observing Like a Scientist
• Mrs. Moon & Mr. Sun
• Crazy States of Matter
• Energy All Around
• Acids & Bases
• Take Care for the Earth
• Producing Volts
• Rockets, Planes & Forces
• And many more!

The program is divided into cycles so that each level of education has a working curriculum appropriate to the age and knowledge of the student.
• Level “Discover” – Kindergarten to grade 1
• Level “Explorer” – Elementary to grade 3
• Level “Expert” – Elementary to grade 5